10 Tips to Sell Your Product Using Instagram

10 Tips to Sell Your Product Using Instagram

1. Creating a Shoppable Instagram Feed

Making it easy for users to find the right products quickly is perhaps the most critical way to sell your products effectively. After all, if they can't easily find something they like, they're not going to think about buying anything, let alone coming back to your page. Therefore, it is vital to make sure that you properly categorize and optimize your product posts. Many people fail to do this. They end up posting images across multiple platforms that do not effectively provide a concise explanation of their product. 

2. Content Quality Matters... A LOT

If your photos and videos are low-quality, people are going to think your products are low-quality, as well. You must upload high-quality photos and videos that are both informative and engaging to your users. Photos that are poorly shot or improperly placed will only confuse and deter users. 

Another practical tip is to use content that your followers would likely enjoy. If you are selling a protein drink, for example, then you should focus on showing real people drinking it. Make sure that your images are visually attractive and add an element of fun to your content. 

3. Images Are Awesome; Videos Are Better

One of the tips to successfully sell your product using Instagram is to start posting brand and product videos. Professionally created videos allow you to reach a larger audience in a very short time while increasing user engagement. This is an easy way to get immediate exposure, which can prove to be quite beneficial for promoting your business.

4. Take Advantage of Instagram Business Services

Effectively marketing your business on Instagram will be much more difficult if you don't take advantage of the various tools provided by the social media site. You can easily monitor engagement, create ads that intrigue, and find inspiration in your marketing efforts. 

5. Showcase Your Brand Story Through Instagram Stories

People love stories, and creating an exciting business story is one of the best ways to capture the eyes and hearts of your followers. You can create cinematic brand videos that evoke an emotion surrounding your product. People visit Instagram to learn about new trends and news. Therefore, if you can create a story about something your target audience would like to know about, it will be more likely to become viral. 

6. Craft an Intriguing Brand Identity

Build a solid professional brand image. This means that your product is being promoted using the same professional image you want your brand to be known for. You have to make sure that your business brand has a distinct look and feel, as well. This will help build an identity for your product so that potential buyers will know what to expect from it. Remember that the goal of promoting your product through Instagram is to make it visible to the right target audience.

7. A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, But Descriptions Matter

One of the most critical factors of promoting your product through this social media platform is having a good description of the products you have for sale. Ensure that the description is informative and gives a clear picture of what the product can do for the user. 

The second tip is to optimize your product photos using keywords. When you upload pictures on Instagram, it will automatically suggest keywords that can help users find you. These keywords can be integrated into the description of your photos. Remember, when you use images as part of your social media marketing strategy, keeping the images optimized with relevant keywords is crucial. 

8. Convey Your Message With Powerful Captions

Yes, the caption is king when it comes to selling products on Instagram. Just like with your product description, be sure to enrich the caption with a few targeted keywords. The more searchable your images are, the better they will be.

9. Post Regularly

Lastly, you should remember that it is important to post photos regularly to promote your products. You should take this process one step further by ensuring that you have at least one image or video per day. If you fail to do this, you could be sending your customers mixed messages. Ultimately, it will leave them unsure of how to respond to your offers.

10. Selling on Instagram is Simple, Not Easy

It's a simple process, but it takes real effort to sell your product using Instagram successfully. There are no shortcuts, and even if you think you can work something out in a hurry, you should rethink your strategy. It would be best to focus on creating content that your customers will value and want to see. Once you have done that, you can start advertising your product in various ways. 

Keep in mind, product videos and images that are professionally made but poorly executed will result in wasted resources. Therefore, you must have a strong Instagram product marketing plan and stick to it!

If you're ready to take your brand promotion to a whole new level, give us a call! We've worked with numerous Vancouver-based brands to create stunning marketing materials that show the best features of your products.