Using Cryptocurrency in the Process of Selling Your Home

Using Cryptocurrency in the Process of Selling Your Home

Selling a house is typically one of those arduous tasks that most people don't really look forward to. The typical costs associated with the selling process quickly add up and eat into any profit you were hoping to get out of your home. Luckily, though, you can take advantage of modern technological resources to make it much less stressful and more profitable.

One resource available nowadays which has been very popular among homeowners lately? Cryptocurrency! Many sellers have opted into using digital assets to obtain various property listing services and even accepting them as payment.

While cryptocurrency may be a new concept to many, the idea of using it in selling your house is one that makes perfect sense. Not only does this low-cost option provide you with more potential buyers for your property, but if you can find sales-related services and conduct real estate transactions through crypto then there are even more benefits!

What are the Benefits of Purchasing a Home with a Crypto Loan?

There is something amazing happening in the world of real estate finance. As this legacy industry collides with the technology of the 21st-century, new opportunities arise. In fact, one of the biggest opportunities to accumulate wealth is to incorporate a crypto-backed loan into your real estate investment strategy.

Fledgling FinTech companies are eager to disrupt the traditional home-buying process by offering crypto loans for as low as 1% interest. Indeed, it seems as though this hunger for disruption is a contributing factor to the raging real estate market around the country. And, it shows no signs of slowing down any time soon.

What Crypto Should I Use to Conduct Real Estate Transactions?

While Bitcoin is perhaps the most widely known cryptocurrency making headlines, it’s not exactly ideal for those who want to conduct real estate transactions. This is due to its high volatility in price. For real estate transactions and related services, it’s best to find professionals who accept more stable coins. Price stability is an important factor in maximizing the benefits you enjoy by using crypto. After all, it would be quite a shock to have the currency lose half its value shortly after you complete the transaction, right?

At Sage Aesthetic, we understand not only how frustrating the selling process can be, but also how cryptocurrency can be a home seller’s best friend. That is why we gladly accept stable coins such as USDC and Tether through Coinbase. These cryptocurrencies offer price stability as they are tied to the US Dollar. In this way, they are always worth $1. No need to worry about an extreme price fluctuation causing you to lose out.